Establishing and Maintaining a Harassment-Free Environment in Your Organization: Protecting You, Your Organization, and Your Employees

Friday, May 17, 2019 -
9:00am to 4:00pm EDT
University of Connecticut Hartford Campus
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Executive Training for Connecticut Public and Nonprofit Sector Professionals

This full-day workshop provides an interactive training and learning environment to help organization representatives develop and implement strategies that:

  • Engage and encourage managers and employees in identifying harassment;
  • Improve and create effective, policies, procedures and tools to address harassment; and
  • Create an environment that offers effective protection against, and prevention of, harassment.

With Malcom S. Medley, Director of the Office of Field Coordination Programs of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

The Connecticut Council for Philanthropy has joined with the University of Connecticut Department of Public Policy and eleven other Connecticut public and nonprofit sector associations as a partner organization of the Public Service Executive Leadership Collaborative. As a partner organization, employees of the Connecticut Council for Philanthropy, its members, and their grantee agencies receive substantial discounts to attend workshops in a shared learning environment with public sector and nonprofit professionals.