Workforce Affinity Group Meeting - September

Thursday, September 7, 2023 -
11:00am to 2:00pm EDT
Bazi's Food Terminal, New Haven
201 Food Terminal Plaza, New Haven, CT 06511
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Join the Workforce Affinity Group for updates on and discussion about Connecticut's workforce system. We will hear from Anne Benowitz at the Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce and Marcia LaFemina at PennGlobe. A detailed agenda will be shared with registered participants.  

Presented by the Workforce Affinity Group

This group is comprised of individuals who are investing in workforce development programs and nonprofits. Meeting on a regular basis, discussions are designed to be interactive and constructive. Participants have the opportunity to connect with colleagues, ask questions, explore solutions, share knowledge and best practices, and learn from one another.


Members: To register yourself and/or a colleague at your organization, please click the "Register Now" link above (no fee)

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If you have suggestions for future conversations or questions, email Alexis Bivens, vice president. 

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