
The Nonprofit Sector in Connecticut

The Independent Sector's Connecticut state profile highlights the economic importance, diversity and community impact of the nonprofit sector in Connecticut.

65+ in the United States: 2010
The U.S. Census Bureau's report provides the latest, comprehensive look at the nation's population aged 65 and older, comprising 40.3 million in 2010.
2014 Giving USA Report Highlights
Giving USA: The Annual Report on Philanthropy is the seminal publication reporting on the sources and uses of charitable giving in the United States.
Connecticut: 2014 State Long-Term Services and Supports Scorecard Results
Raising Expectations 2014: A State Scorecard on Long-Term Services and Supports for Older Adults, People with Physical Disabilities, and Family Caregivers takes a multi-dimensional approach to measure state-level performance of long-term services and supports (LTSS) systems that assist older people, adults with disabilities, and family caregivers.