CGO Search Criteria

You can use various search criteria to find funders that match your organization’s interests and funding needs for example:

Grantmaker Name: An alphabetical list of the foundations or corporate grantmakers in the CGO database

Area of Interest: There are 23 major “Area of Interest” criteria to search

Geographic Focus: You are able to search for grantmakers according to the geographic areas that they support

Type of Support: The type of funding support a grantmaker provides

Beneficiary: The search identifies the population groups who have receive funding from a grantmaker

City: Search for grantmakers according to the city where their main office is located

County: Search for grantmakers according to the county where their main office is located

Grantmaker Type: Search for grantmakers by their organizational type

Text Search: If you feel that CGO’s search categories don’t fully capture the specific items that you’re looking for, you are able to search selected major text fields in the Grantmaker Database for any word or phrase.

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