CCP Members

Connecticut School Integration: Moving Forward as the Northeast Retreats
Looking at the grim picture of central city Hartford and Bridgeport when desegregation efforts began and considering the odds against the creation of new models in a time when civil rights were shrinking, what has been accomplished in Connecticut is a victory over great odds. It is also an example of the way there can be change that expands the possibilities for all and enriches the communities.
Philanthropy’s Role in a Healthy Democracy
Maggie Gunther Osborn, President of the Connecticut Council for Philanthropy was published in the Connecticut Association of Nonprofits, September 2014 member magazine, Nonprofit Advantage.
Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments
Access the website for The Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments, a public agency with representatives from twenty-three towns, cities and boroughs formed to provide a basis for intergovernmental cooperation in dealing with a wide range of issues facing Southeastern Connecticut.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
CCP Public Policy Update: Census Workshops for Nonprofits

HARTFORD, CT -- Learn about the upcoming Census workshops series that CCP is co-sponsoring with Connecticut Community Nonprofit Alliance, Connecticut Data Collaborative, and several CCP members throughout January. The Count Me in 2020 Workshop Series intends to increase awareness and understanding of the importance of the Census to Connecticut, to explain precisely how it will work, and to seek the assistance of organizations in communities statewide.
