Policy Makers

Investing for Impact: Indirect Costs are Essential for Success
This National Council of Nonprofits' report addresses how governments that hire charitable nonprofits to deliver services and then reimburse them for less than reasonable indirect costs undermine the ability of nonprofits to deliver high quality services.
Government-Nonprofit Contracting Reform Materials
The new OMB Uniform Guidance is the biggest change in government grant guidelines in more than 30 years – and could spell relief for private grantmakers who won’t be called upon as much to subsidize constant (and growing) government shortfalls – if the new guidelines are implemented as intended.
Disaster Philanthropy Playbook
The "Disaster Philanthropy Playbook" is a compilation of philanthropic strategies, best practices and lessons learned that have saved and galvanized local economies, nonprofits, and vulnerable populations from entering into a permanent downward spiral in the wake of a disaster.
