Friday, July 31, 2020
CHEFA Grant Backs Hartford HealthCare Mobile COVID-19 Testing

HARTFORD, CT -- The Connecticut Health and Educational Facilities Authority (CHEFA) has provided a $400,000 grant to support Hartford Health Care's mobile COVID-19 testing efforts. The award was announced at one of the mobile program’s stops, the First Cathedral Church in Bloomfield. CHEFA grants will support staffing, personal protective equipment (PPE) for staff, tests and other supplies for the mobile sites.

Monday, June 29, 2020
Connecticut Health Foundation names Kenneth R. Alleyne new board chair

HARTFORD, CT -- The Connecticut Health Foundation elected Kenneth R. Alleyne as chair of its board of directors. He succeeds David I. Newton in chairing the board of Connecticut’s largest independent health philanthropy. In addition to electing a new chair, the foundation board appointed two new members and awarded $342,025 in grants this quarter.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020
New CEO Named at Connecticut Health Foundation, Cites Current Crisis as Evidence of Progress Yet to be Achieved

HARTFORD, CT -- “While Connecticut has made significant progress, there is still a long way to go to ensure that all of us receive equitable care and an equal opportunity to be our healthiest selves.” That observation from Tiffany Donelson, as she was named as the next president and CEO of the Connecticut Health Foundation, reflects both the many years of leadership by the Foundation, and the challenges that have become even more apparent during the COVID-19 crisis.