Disaster Relief

State of Connecticut Charities Disaster Relief Guide
In the wake of a disaster, people are often deeply moved to find a way to aid their fellow citizens. Giving to charities is one of the most common ways of offering help, but finding an appropriate charity in the aftermath of a disaster can be difficult or even confusing. Others may want to establish new charities, and existing charities will receive and seek donations to aid in the response to a disaster. This guide offers some suggestions and advice both for those who wish to make charitable donations as well as for those new or existing charities involved in raising funds for disaster relief.
Sandy Hook Report: Charitable Response to the December 14, 2012 Shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School
Governor Dannel P. Malloy, Attorney General George Jepsen and state Department of Consumer Protection Commissioner William M. Rubenstein released a report on the overwhelming charitable response that evaluates information provided voluntarily by organizations engaged in fundraising related to the tragedy, provides a quantitative analysis of survey responses and identifies ways that state regulators and the nonprofit community can partner and collaborate to provide transparency, bolster donor confidence, consolidate resources and increase coordination.
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Hartford Foundation-Sponsored Survey of Displaced Persons from Hurricanes Moving into Region is Underway

HARTFORD, CT -- The University of Connecticut’s El Instituto: Institute for Latina/o Caribbean and Latin American Studies and the Center for Puerto Rican Studies at Hunter College have launched a survey to better understand the long-term impact of displacement on the Greater Hartford region. Individuals can fill out the online survey in English and Spanish at https://uconn.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cZJVpSqXabB4Zg1 or share the link with others. The survey is supported by a $47,280 grant from the Hartford Foundation. 

Friday, February 23, 2018
Feds providing CT Schools with Money for New Students from Puerto Rico

WASHINGTON, DC -- After months of fighting over aid to last summer’s hurricane-hit communities, Congress finally approved a compromise budget bill earlier this month that will provide millions of dollars to help schools care for displaced students. The budget bill provides $8,500 for each displaced student, $9,000 for each one that is not English-speaking like Nairelys and Jason, and $10,000 for disabled students requiring special education.

Friday, November 3, 2017
500 Kids Fleeing Hurricane Maria's Wrath Now in CT Schools

HARTFORD, CT -- At least 500 children who fled hurricane-ravaged Puerto Rico are now attending public schools throughout Connecticut. Most of them – 85 percent – showed up in the state’s lowest-achieving districts, which already are grappling with high concentrations of high-need students.
