
Community Livability in Connecticut
Connecticut’s Legislative Commission on Aging has produced their second annual report to the Connecticut General Assembly on their livable communities initiative. Connecticut’s population is aging, and that demographic transformation is both dramatic and permanent. Recognizing a growing urgency to plan for changing Connecticut communities, the Connecticut General Assembly empowered Connecticut’s Legislative Commission on Aging to spearhead a livable communities initiative. Livable communities are places that foster independence and support residents across the lifespan.
Valuing the Invaluable: 2015 Update on Family Caregiving
In 2013, about 40 million family caregivers in the United States provided an estimated 37 billion hours of care to an adult with limitations in daily activities. The estimated economic value of their unpaid contributions was approximately $470 billion in 2013, up from an estimated $450 billion in 2009.
Funders in Aging Affinity Group Uses Collective Voice
With the state's population age 65+ projected to grow rapidly in the coming years, members of the Council's Funders in Aging Affinity Group have engaged in various initiatives to support this population segment. Find information on PA 14-217 and the CT Home Care Rate Study Analysis Summary.
65+ in the United States: 2010
The U.S. Census Bureau's report provides the latest, comprehensive look at the nation's population aged 65 and older, comprising 40.3 million in 2010.
Connecticut for Livable Communities
Connecticut’s Legislative Commission on Aging has issued “Connecticut for Livable Communities,” a new report to the state legislature which outlines more than 50 recommendations for communities looking to enhance livability.