Policy News

Monday, July 9, 2018
44 Towns Deny Property Tax Exemptions for Nonprofits

HARTFORD, CT — Every four years since 1965, nonprofits have been required to remind municipal tax assessors why they should be exempt from property taxes. But according to a member survey conducted by the Connecticut Community Nonprofit Alliance, municipalities have been denying those tax exemptions on an increasing basis. About two thirds of the 35 nonprofits responding to the survey said their properties - which had a history of being tax exempt and had no changes of use - were suddenly being denied tax exemptions in 44 towns.

Friday, February 9, 2018
Budget deal has plenty for Connecticut

WASHINGTON, DC -- In rare bipartisan agreement, Congress on Friday approved a massive budget deal that will increase federal spending in Connecticut, providing big boosts for the state’s defense industry and health care programs and even helping schools educate displaced students from Puerto Rico. ...A new measure was added to the extenders package that would help Westport’s Newman’s Own Foundation, which gives 100 percent of the profits made from the Newman’s Own food business to charity, but would have been hit with a 200 percent tax this year unless it divested or got the exception.

Thursday, January 18, 2018
The Tax Cuts Are a Bad Deal for Charities

NEW YORK, NY -- Philanthropic organizations have been on edge since Republicans rammed through the monumental tax bill: Will Americans give as generously now that the incentives have completely shifted? Findings suggest that the the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 may deal a particularly devastating blow to charities that make up the private social safety net . . .