Policy News

Friday, March 1, 2019
CCP Policy Update (3/1/19)

CCP's Policy Update includes links and information relevant to the CT philanthropic community, including: Governor Lamont's state budget proposal and the Nonprofit Alliance's analysis, news on Census 2020 in Connecticut, an update on impacts of the new tax law, and information on federal universal charitable deduction bills.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Give Everyone the Same Tax Incentive to Donate ­— Not Just the Rich

WASHINGTON, DC -- The consumer orgies of Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday have a rapidly growing nonprofit rival: Giving Tuesday, which celebrates its seventh year today. Begun by a coalition hoping to reinvigorate giving in the United States during the holiday season, Giving Tuesday has turned into a philanthropic juggernaut: Last year, the day moved at least $300 million to nonprofits by mobilizing hundreds of thousands of people, many of them infrequent donors, to give to charities of their choosing. Giving Tuesday champions the welcome spirit of ordinary donors and the amazing diversity of American charity. But when it comes to philanthropic giving in the United States, it proves the exception to a stubborn rule. 

Thursday, January 18, 2018
The Tax Cuts Are a Bad Deal for Charities

NEW YORK, NY -- Philanthropic organizations have been on edge since Republicans rammed through the monumental tax bill: Will Americans give as generously now that the incentives have completely shifted? Findings suggest that the the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 may deal a particularly devastating blow to charities that make up the private social safety net . . .